Excel Academy

Productivity Intensive 





Excel API

Our Signature Program

Have you ever wanted to drastically improve your productivity, and work smarter instead of harder? How do those Excel ninjas in the office analyze, visualize and automate their work so effortlessly? Excel Academy Productivity Intensive is our Signature Program, where students learn how to become an Excel Productivity Expert in an interactive and exciting experience.

Most people are never taught the fundamentals of Excel, and are forever frustrated every time they open a spreadsheet.

Excel API will show you how to use Excel correctly and efficiently from the start. We'll help you to develop the productivity habits that will have you working smarter than ever before.

Key Skills

►Five steps to improving efficiency through The High-Five Efficiency Formula. 

►How to work smarter using top-secret, time busting keyboard shortcuts.

Create attractive, useful worksheets that let you store, edit, and analyze data.

Demystify Excel formulas using the Evaluate Formula and Show Formulas features.

Excel Functions which simplify your life by doing all the hard work for you.

►A step-by-step data analysis blueprint – The Data Intelligence Integrator™.

Format your data quickly and professionally, so that it tells the right story and enables effective decision making.

►Use Conditional Formatting to help with trends analysis.

►Master VLOOKUP… and 5 reasons INDEX-MATCH is actually better!

►Use Data Validation to create useful drop-down lists and other rules.

►Summarize and visualize data in elegant dashboards using PivotTables and Charts.

The Macro Genius Method™ – the simplest, most user-friendly system to appreciate and master Excel macros.

►Familiarize yourself with the VBA environment and language, and learn how to add or edit code with ease.

►Grab a coffee or take a nap while the For…Next loop and the Do…Loop are doing your work.


A Unique Learning Experience:

You’ll learn through real-life examples, case studies, fun activities, and personal spreadsheet makeovers, all facilitated by an Excel Academy Certified Expert (Excel ACE).

When you walk out of Excel API:

You will stop wasting time and energy struggling in Excel, and start producing professional spreadsheets immediately. You  will be solving real problems accurately and efficiently, and will wonder how you ever managed in the past!


50% Complete

Two Step

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